Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Destroys Smiles and Lives

You don’t have to smoke to develop oral cancer. In fact, other risk factors for the condition include:

  • Sun exposure
  • Viruses (like HPV)
  • Alcohol consumption
  • Both smokeless tobacco and cigarettes

Early Intervention is Essential
The Dental Specialists perform a thorough oral cancer screening on every patient that we treat. Why? Because patients do not usually discover oral cancer on their own until it is very progressed. Diagnosing abnormal or precancerous tissues in their earliest stages allows our patients to receive more effective treatment and a better prognosis.

Areas that typically raise alarm include:

  • Sores or lesions that do not heal within 2 weeks
  • Areas that look different on one side of the mouth than they do on the other
  • Red or white areas that differ from the surrounding tissue
  • Lumps, bumps, or nodules in isolated areas of the mouth or neck

Oral cancer impacts the lives of thousands of Americans each day. If you have risk factors associated with oral cancer it’s even more important to have a routine screening. Visit The Dental Specialists and protect your smile as well as your life.

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